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Detailing here Rayon’s various resources and access rights on each one
Client chooses a workspace which shall grant a level of access rights to the persons the Client invites to collaborate. There are 3 different types of workspaces, which imply slight variations of the access rights:
Personal workspace
This type of workspace is owned by every single User, by default; it allows the User to save models in a personal space, that is not tied to their organization; the user is owner on all the content there: only them have access to these models, they can delete, rename, share, etc.
Organization public workspace
This is the default workspace that Users can create in an organization; the user creating them is the owner. “Public” means that every member of the organization can access these workspaces content, without any approval process.
Organization private workspace
This is a workspace that Users can create in an organization, to prevent other members of the organization from accessing their content; the User creating them is the owner. The owner can then invite specific people from the organization to join.
An organization allows gathering users around the same repository of Workspaces and Models. An organization has a single owner, and multiple members. Organization carry the information of the entire group of users belonging to it. Organization are accessible only on the Team plan.
A Model defines any drawing created by users in Rayon.
A folder allows storing models together inside a workspace. Folders carry the same access rights as the ones granted to the users of the workspace the folder belongs to.